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The Continuing Education Office offers educational and clinical courses and workshops for optometrists and other health professionals wishing to expand their knowledge and skills. The Continuing Education Program of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico (IAUPR) is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
IACET is a non-profit association of international prestige committed to the quality of continuing education and training programs. Its mission is to promote and improve the quality of continuing education programs through research, education, development, and the continuous improvement of criteria, principles, and quality standards.
Next Seminars:
Dr. Doris Antúnez
Director of Continuing Education
(787) 765-1915, Ext. #1003
Ms. Gloriana Salgado Gándara
Executive Assistant of the Dean
(787) 765-1915, Ext. #1026
Jaxiry Guzmán
Administrative Officer
(787) 765-1915, Ext. #1019